Nutrition and Dietitian Hulya Cagatay said that cheese was a must on sahur and fast-breaking tables and that every 3 slices of cheese consumed during sahur and fast breaking would meet a major part of the daily protein need.
Cheese that protects against various diseases and digestive system disorders as well as protecting immune system, heart, blood pressure, skin and hair health with its probiotic content is an essential element in Ramadan tables... Nutrition and Dietitian Hulya Cagatay said that 100 gr, i.e. 3 slices of Cheesoft Cheese or 7-8 slices of Helix Cheese in average consumed during sahur and fast breaking could meet a major part of the daily protein need.
Therefore, Recommending that we should include cheese on our fast-breaking and sahur tables, Cagatay added, “the protein content of the essential element of our tables, cheese, has the same quality as that of the meat. Also, it is an essential food to meet the daily calcium need. We must have cheese that is the essential element of our breakfast also in every meal. Particularly, we can add it to our salad, soup and pasta on our fast-breaking and sahur tables. Because the length of fasting increases the high quality protein need of our metabolism. Cheese that is one of the best protein sources contains more calcium and protein than milk and yogurt.”
Low-sodium cheese must be preferred
Reminding that cheese should be consumed particularly in the sahur meals for an adequate and balanced diet during fasting, Cagatay added, “consuming proper amounts of protein during the sahur will help you have a more healthy fasting period. A particular attention must be given to consume low-sodium cheese. Consuming low-sodium cheese will prevent your thirst during the day. Curd cheese is particularly a must on the sahur tables. The tasty cheese selection primarily including Muratbey Curd Cheese and Helix Cheese that is low in sodium, and easily-consumed Cheesoft and Topi can be preferred.”